December 24-29 ZÁRVA
December 30 10-18h (hétköznapi nyitvatartás)
December 31 – Január 01 Zárva (Újév)
2025. Január 02-től a megszokott nyitvatartással (10-18h) várjuk ügyfeleinket.
Carecity Team
We started in 2007 as the first Hungarian phone repair shop specialised in iPhones. Since that time, several iPhone generations have been launched, and we have kept pace in terms of expertise and business size.
Just like our customers, we are passionate about iPhones. And we like to think that our work reflects our passion. Our colleagues perform work that they like and is specifically tailored to them, which is an important factor of our success. We go for quality instead of quantity. We are proud that many clients choose us, and that they are satisfied enough to refer others to us.
It’s a major annoyance if your iPhone is damaged while you are in Budapest as a tourist. In fact, serious difficulties may arise if you can’t communicate, find information, use a map, pay, or access your digital tickets. But don’t worry – just drop by and we will fix your device immediately.
Battery not charging
It’s a frequent error that a phone’s battery cannot be charged. The most frequent reason is that a faulty or aftermarket charger ruins the charge controller. The problem can be fixed by replacing that part.
Phone dropped or broken; screen cracked
This issue should not be remedied at home, using aftermarket parts. We can replace the screen with an equivalent, factory-quality part within an hour.
Water damage
Make sure to protect your device from moisture. But if your phone is soaked, bring it to us as soon as possible, because the chance of a successful repair decreases over time.
Battery replacement
The capacity of a lithium-ion battery can be significantly reduced after about 500 charging cycles. A worn battery can cause various errors, so it’s advisable to replace it.
No sound or ring tone
If the phone does not ring, or the speaker crackles, its volume is low, or you can’t hear the other person at all, visit us and we’ll replace the faulty speaker within 30 minutes.
Life beyond phones
The list of devices we repair has been expanded over the years to iPads, Apple Watches, and Mac computers. The work is always performed by qualified technicians, using factory-quality parts. We also issue a warranty for our work.